Order your SATlive right of use now
There are two ways of right of use.
First, you can order the right of use for the app SATlive on a small device for an USB port of your your pc.
This device is called ‘Dongle’ and allows you to run the app SATlive on a pc as long as the dongle is plugged into an USB port of this particular pc.
A dongle allows you to carry your right of use with you, which makes working on different computers easy.
With the dongle beeing a physical device you must allow some days for delivery.
Furthermore additonal taxes and/or customs might occur.
digistore24 will handle your purchase and payment.
大中华区订购请联系 China@satlive.audio
The price for one dongle carring the right of use for the app SATlive is 320 Euro including shipping but without VAT.
Please use this link to navigate to the order – page at digistore24.
A dongle containing the right of use for both, the audio – measurement app SATlive and the spl – monitoring and logging app LevelCheck (www.levelcheck.de) is available for 420 Euro including shipping but without VAT.
Use this link to naviagte to the order – page at Digistore24.
Second, there is also a Software license for SATlive (to run on one PC) available for 275 Euro (without VAT). This licences is granted for a certain computer.
You’ll receive a basic – key and you’ll have to issue a full – key request afterwards. No physical shippment is involved here. See this document for further information.
Use this link to navigate to the order – page at digistore24.
Digistore24 will handle this order, too.